Thursday, July 14, 2016

I'm back

Painting Again
So its been a while since I came on here. A while is really an understatement. Over the past 7 or 8 years I went off and got married and started a family and have been raising little humans who are now at a pretty self sufficient stage hence I'm back. Back painting, feels wonderful. Realised whilst I wasn't producing a great deal over those years, I hadn't stopped thinking about it, planning it, waiting to get on with it. So I've just uploaded a bunch of pics to remind me of where I've come from, and that its now time to get on with it, its a bit exciting.
So, here we go....

"River Veins" entry for the #BrisArtPrize2016

"River Veins" oil on board 40cm x 40cm
 Charcoal sketch after helicopter ride
underpainting for 'River Veins'

latest works

Brisbane bridges 120cm x 120cn oil on canvas.
Chelmer pocket, 105 x 100cm oil on canvas
This painting was donated to raise funds for Hamlin fistula Ethiopia
 tree in my backyard
 my painting buddy
 Graphite and oil pastel on board
totally in love with passionfruit flowers

made 101 gumnut mice for xmas, just like my Grandma used to, just for fun!

Chelmer graceville aerials

night kayak down brisbane river. turns out its impossible to paddle, steer and photgraph in the dark all at once

photos i took from helicopter rides for reference for brisbane aerial paintings

works after the flood

 clean up
 where the water rose from the drains
waiting for the parks to grow again

turning Oliver into artwork for easter ;)

commision of around RWBH